Net Metering
The customer generates electricity using solar panels
fixed on their rooftops which are connected to the grid through a net metering system.
The consumer has to pay only for the net amount of electricity that was consumed.
If the solar electricity production exceeds the electricity consumption of the
premises, the balance amount can be carried forward to future use upto 10 years. No fee will be paid for
the excess electricity produced.
Existing net metering customers can switch to other schemes if
they wish to. However, the accumulated electricity units prior to the signing of
new agreement shall not be carried forward.

Net Accounting
If the electricity generation of solar rooftop system is greater
than the consumption, the consumer will be paid for the excess according to the
below table. If the consumption is greater than the
generation, the consumer shall pay for the excess consumption according to the
existing electricity tariff structure.
Period | LKR / kWh | |
1 | First 7 Years | 22.00 |
2 | 8th to 20th Year | 15.50 |

Net Plus
The total electriciy generation from the solar rooftop system would be purchased by the utility.
The bill for electricity consumption would be paid to the utility as usual.
The utility would pay the solar electricity producers for the excess electricity exported to the grid on
following basis with effect from the date of agreement signed with the utility.
Period | LKR / kWh | |
1 | First 7 Years | 22.00 |
2 | 8th to 20th Year | 15.50 |

Welcome to Intell Solar
Initiated as Intell Electronics Company in 1994, we continued the business as an after sales agent of electronic items and worked as a franchise service agent with Singer PLC in 1995-2000. Later on we took a new approach in the business by promoting green energy in Sri Lanka under our company Intell electronic Solar and we have done it very successfully in 2006.
We’re the #1 solar energy providers in Sri Lanka.
Today we turn to be an environmentally friendly renewable energy company offering broad portfolio of technologies, products, & solutions to our customers. Our products are the most efficient and reasonably priced in the industry.
Intell Solar Zero Bill Solution
ලැබෙන ප්රතිලාභ
බිල්පත් ගෙවීම් බිංදුව කර ගැනීමේ හැකියාව

ඇමතුම් හා දත්ත සඳහා
අමතර ආදායමක් ඉපයීමේ හැකියාව
පද්ධති සවිකිරීම සඳහා බැංකු ණය පහසුකම්
වහලය සඳහා සූර්ය පැනල පද්ධති
වහලය මත සවිකිරීම
ස්ලැබ් එක මත සවිකිරීම
වහලයක් ලෙස සවිකිරීම (Solar Roof)